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Services and Costs



Although Mediation is a voluntary choice if unfortunately a family Court application is required the prospective applicant must attend a MIAM (unless an exemption applies). The MIAM meeting is an information based meeting providing information about mediation and other Non Court Dispute Resolution options to assist the prospective applicant in considering whether mediation or another option may assist in sorting things out away from the Court room.


Miams are held individually and are scheduled for 45 minutes to one hour.  My fee for a MIAM is £120 which includes sending an invitation to the other party (discussed in the meeting) and providing the signed FM1 (The mediator's certificate confirming attendance at a MIAM).





Mediation begins with clients meeting with the mediator on an individual basis.  These meetings referred to as pre joint mediation individual meetings or MIAMs are scheduled for one hour and provide clients with the chance to have a one to one confidential meeting with the mediator (save for any safe guarding issues raised).  


Individual meetings are scheduled for one hour and charged at £130 each.


Joint meetings are charged at £130 per hour per person.  Mediation meetings are typically between one and half to two hours long.  The number of meetings will depend on your circumstances and the issues to resolve but on average two to three meetings is not unusual.


My hourly rate of £260 (£130 per hour per person applies to all mediation models i.e joint meetings in person or on line, on line shuttle and hybrid mediation.



                                                                Child Inclusive Mediation


I am qualified to meet with children and young people in the mediation process.  Child Inclusive Mediation (CIM) is a carefully managed and assessed process.  I provide CIM information to parents in their individual meetings to enable them to fully consider the option.  My hourly rate of £260 shared is applied to the CIM process.



                                                              Government Funding Voucher


As an accredited mediator I am able to apply for the Government Funding Voucher on behalf of my clients.  The voucher is available to parents who will be discussing their children / children and finances in mediation or it can be applied to CIM work.  The voucher provides up to £500 in total towards joint mediation meeting fees or CIM work.


                                                                 Preparation of Documents


I do not charge for providing a brief without prejudice summary in between meetings. 


Memorandum of Understanding and Open Financial Schedule -  I charge a fixed fee of £300 (£150 each) for preparation of these documents.


There is no charge for telephone calls or emails in the course of my work with you and no VAT is applied to any fees.



                                                 Professional Practice Consultancy (Mediation Supervision)


Individual and group consultancy meetings are held regularly - please contact me for further information




Mediation Venues :  My work is mainly conducted via the online platform Zoom.  I can if required offer in person meetings (joint meetings only) I am able to offer meetings at various venues.

First Stop Family Mediation

First Stop Family Mediation -

Fiona Sawkins - FMC Accredited (0970A) Lawyer Mediation.  Mediation via Zoom or Microsoft Teams.  Meeting venues Farnborough, Basingstoke, Bordon and Petersfield


© 2017 First Stop Family Mediation. All Rights Reserved.

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